Thursday, January 5, 2012

Updates & Yes, Still Thankful :)

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I should take some time and update y'all on life and what not. Especially with the new year and all. Just felt like a good time to pick this project back up.

1. Travel- I love am so thankful I get to travel! It never gets old. I always need a few days to re-group in between but I love going and seeing the cultures, trying different food, drinks, taking it all in. I just got back from a "winter" trip to Northern Michigan. I said "winter" because they didnt have any snow. It looked more like spring than winter but was still beautiful. Next week we are off to Cancun for some much needed sunshine and warm temperatures. Every year I swear it is my last in Ohio.... then another ball drops and I am still here... LOL. But 2011 provided lots of amazing trips: Germany, Hawaii, Punta Cana, Sullivan's Island, SC, Cozumel, California, Nashville a few times, Etc. I am truly blessed to get to do what I do.

2. OCD- So it appears my OCD is in full swing. I have purged every closet, cleaned my garage (twice), hauled 2 truck loads of stuff to goodwill, cleaned every crevice and even tapped into some organization and I can say it feels SOOOOOOO good! I have decided that I am much happier and content when my house is clean and organized so here's to keeping it that way.... for now. Oh and I am thankful that my loved ones put up with my insistant wiping, re-arranging, and organizing....for now. ;)

3. Love- I am so thankful for love. And no not the romantic kind of love, although I am not saying that I am not thankful for it, I am just still trying to figure out the romance aspect of love. I am open to it and I know I am ready but still carefully treading those waters ;). I am talking about the Love I have realized I need and receive from Jesus, family & friends. I have never been so content just being in love with the people around me, my church group, my dogs, the little things like running in the sunshine or having a simple meal with a good friend, or playing with my neices and nephews and knowing that unconditional love is there. It is priceless and I am so thankful for their love and trying not to take it for granted.

