Monday, February 28, 2011

Day7- Make new friends but keep the old...

Work has been the busiest it has ever been. Ever. I mean I've worked a really long time in order to be this busy but I have been burning the candle at both ends so to speak. And I don't like burning the candle at both ends. However, since I started this little blog project I have been trying to be more thankful and count my blessings, even when it seems hard. I've been trying. And I can tell that it has made a difference, well at least so far it has. Which leads me to the first thing I am thankful for....

1. Old friends-I got some sad news a few weeks ago, a good friend since High School lost her father to cancer. It doesn't even seem possible that we are old enough to be losing our parents but it seems we are and cancer doesn't care about your age, does it? I have been traveling so much for business but as soon as I heard the news I knew I had to be there. It was like none of us missed a beat. All of the girls came together to make food, take water, soda, order flowers, etc. Then this week we did another potluck dinner and got together again to say farewell to one and hello to the newest addition to our little family. All I can say is the old saying is true "make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver but the other's gold." I almost forgot what is like to be with people who have known you forever and love you the same. It doesn't matter how long we are apart, we can come together and not miss a beat. And be there when it truly matters... So Melaney, Bridget, Becky, Kelly, Amanda, Lisa, Siobhan, and Megan - I love you girls! Forever and ever.

2. 3. & 4. Grandma's- I got to celebrate my Grandma and Great grandma's birthdays with them over the last few weeks. As I get older, I appreciate more and more their love and support....and their wisdom. It is so amazing that I've got to have them in my life for this long and that I get to see them for birthdays and holidays still. And of course their advice (meddling) never ends.... Which only makes me love them more.

5. Chocolate- So apparently I'm a stress eater....I guess its better than being a stress drinker but nonetheless I like to eat chocolate. Especially when I'm stressed. Nothing that an extra few miles on the treadmill can't fix but thank God for Chocolate. Glorious wonderful chocolate. What is it about chocolate that makes everything in that moment right? I mean it is fleeting but it is the little things, right? Carpe Diem...seize the day/moment/second. And when things seem insurmountable I will take that moment of bliss....I think I'm starting to sound like a Dove commercial....



Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 6- Nephew, Nieces, and why I love Red Wine.

So I haven't blogged in a week. I was thinking about what I would write about next and then things got really crazy stupid busy. I went to see my brother and his family weekend in Tennessee and decided to offer a "date night" to my brother and his wife and volunteered to babysit for their 3 kids...alone. I think my sister was more scared than I was. She kept asking if I was ok, is it too much? The kids are aged 4, 2, & 5 mos. Since I donut have any kids (yet) I really didn't know what to expect and since my only nieces and nephew live in TN I don't get enough options to babysit so I was a looking forward to a bonding night with the rugrats angels. :) Which leads me to what I'm most thankful today.

1. 2. & 3. My 2 nieces and my nephew. Since there are 3 of them they get the first 3 spots in this blog. They make everything that is wrong in my world right. Seeing their faces brings me more joy then I can ever describe. Watching them grow up is the greatest thing in the world. I love seeing them smile and knowing that they are happy and safe. I cant even imagine what it would be like having my own kids. I talk enough about my dogs to annoy most people so God help all of us when I have my own child(ren) someday. And since I'm their favorite aunt they were perfect angels for me (well I'm the favorite because we have dance party USA and I'm not scared to make a fool of myself at any given occasion). Well for the most part. The middle one decided that she wanted to turn the baby powder upside down on her face. It was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. But the highlight was when my nephew asked me if I could "stay at his house forever". Bless his heart. He knows how to work a room.... let me tell you...and work on my heartstrings at the same time....

4. The Mountains- Driving through the mountains. Music Cranked. Sun shining. It is hands down one of my favorite most simplest forms of entertainment. If you've never done then try it. I can pray, think, sing on top of my lungs, car dance, fist pump, whatever. But I've never taken a road trip alone and came back from it without clarity of some sort. And about 15 calls to old friends.

5. Red Wine- Someone wise once told me that God made beer as proof that He wants us to be happy. I take out the beer and insert red wine but totally agree with him (although there are some great beers out there..I'm just a red wine girl). But seriously it has a lot of great health benefits (antioxidants) and it pairs so nicely with many things. Plus it makes me happy. After a long/stressful day there is nothing better then going for a long run, taking a hot shower then sitting down to dinner with a delicious glass of red wine. Ahhh better then a calgone moment. AND I may or may not be having one right now....

So thankful for my many blessings today but these are the top 5. I would love to hear your thoughts or what your thankful for as well!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 5- Life, Love & the Pursuit of Happiness

Well kids, here we are again.....another failed attempt at a know you saw it coming, the writing on the wall. Please don't tell me I told you so. I know I'm a loser at love. LOL But alas! Disappointed and slightly heartbroken I most move on and instead of dwelling on my insecurity and replaying what went wrong over and over (and over) in my mind I think it is necessary to be thankful for what I've learned so far. So today's blog is dedicated to love. The admiration of a lifelong love, the appreciation of love lessons, the and the pursuit of true love.

1. Lifelong Love-My parents just celebrated their 32nd marriage anniversary on Thursday. 32 YEARS! I'm so proud of them. I'm proud to have parents who have stayed married and fought it out all of these years. I've learned so much from them and watching their marriage. They rarely if ever agree on the same thing at the same time. I always had this image in my mind of some guy sweeping me off my feet and it all being rainbows and butterflies.WRONG! I dont even know where this ideal came from. No one I know who is in a successful marriage agrees on all of the same things. Is that even normal? I love that they can still challenge each other, laugh at each other's stupid jokes (or my dad's pathetic attempt to use slang words), and be there for their children & grandchildren. I'm thankful for the example they have set for me. They credit the success of their marriage on God. They have learned to lean on God together and by His grace they can give grace to each other.

2. Lessons in Love- It seems like I'm getting better at looking for the silver lining in failure. LOL. In all seriousness, how many times do we have to fail at love to find the one? If there is only one for us then everyone else most be the wrong ones, right? The most recent failed attempt taught me that I can't always get what I want (queue rolling stones)...and there are differences in WANTS and NEEDS. ...go figure.  I had to figure out what I needed verses what I wanted or thought I wanted and then not settle for less than the things that I need (I'll grow up someday). I think most people hold on to the wrong ones because they are afraid to be alone, or to fail. I can't do that. When things are in limbo it makes me crazy-like bat crazy (which then probably most definately pushes the guy away even more). I'd rather be single then in a holding pattern with someone who doesn't want or cannot commit to me. The hardest part of this is not letting myself get too far with the wrong one or learning to take it slow with the right one. Admitting sooner in the relationship that this person may be funny, cute, successful (or any combination of the above) but completely wrong for me in so many ways and not able to meet my needs (which are basic needs at best). Either way, I'm thankful for the lessons I learn each time. I can choose to be a failure at love or take little nuggets from each relationship and move on. I'm choosing to take my nuggets and run.

3. Safety nets- I'm so thankful that I have great friends and family who have helped me figure this out, encourage me, and BELIEVE in me. I'm convinced that without them I would have some seriously high therapy bills. Seriously. I know now why all my married friends cherish and value their friendships so much. I think I always took my "girl time" for granted because, being single for several years now, all I've had is girl time. However, I realize how important it is to have your support system there when you need to vent, want to cry, and need someone to save you from yourself. Plus-who else are you going to share that bottle of wine with.  

4. & 5.  The pursuit of love & matchmakers (this definately counts as two things) - So the day after my last failure and I ended things for good,  my friend Melissa and I had made lunch plans. While we were having lunch, we had a lady approach our table and tell us how cute we were and wanted to know if we are single (God Bless her heart). Turns out she is a professional matchmaker....I'm thinking, is this a joke? Did someone set me up? Am I being punked? Nope-she's for real.  Like Million matchmaker real. JACKPOT! Timing is everything. Who knows-this could be fate or another terrible decision on my road to love but fear not-I will be sure to blog about my experience in matchmaker land. Either way I'm thankful for the matchmaker lady, her stalking me at lunch, and the laughs I was able to get from the experence so far. Definately another chapter in the pursuit of true love and happiness....and I'm definately not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 4-Life Lessons & Why I think that we should be able to put them on lay-a-way....

Sooo I was going to dedicate my next blog to being thankful for freedom. Then I got a speeding ticket on my way to Charlotte. Not just any old speeding ticket mind you. Like-highway-robbery-Mayberry P.D. type of speeding ticket. Totally ridiculous.  (My Cop was the one on the left)

Did you know that anything over 80 MPH in the state of Virginia is considered "reckless driving"?? RECKLESS DRIVING? It is a 6 point violation......Seriously? Seriously? How much is this going to cost me? Anyways, it totally threw a wrench in my plans. I was derailed for a few days. Defeated. Now my little get-a-way trip to relax just turned into a very expensive life lesson.....again. Haven't I already had enough of those lately?? I mean seriously, shouldn't God put some type of monetary cap on these lessons? Or at least spread them out over a few months. Needless to say, I didn't really feel like being thankful and trying to find something I was thankful for while I was blinded by my wrath and anger.

I know I have no one to blame but myself. I sped, it was just me and the gas pedal. No one forcing me to do it. But it WAS in the Mountains, a clear sunny day, and no traffic. What else is a girl in a new BMW supposed to do but open it up a little? Ya know? But being honest, I am thankful that he didn't clock me at 90-95 which is what I had been driving-SO THERE'S SOMETHING I CAN BE THANKFUL FOR.

Then I kept the thanksgiving thoughts going....

1. I'm thankful that I can get in my car and drive where ever I want, whenever I want. No one or no law to stop me. I'm free to drive from California and back (within the speed limit of course) whenever I want and even pop a tent down if I feel like and camp out if I so choose.

2. I'm thankful that I'm strong enough a person to get in the car (or plane) and travel. I hear stories of people who are petrified to drive on the highways, or at night, or in the snow-especially woman, and especially alone. This horrifies me. What happened to those people to be so riddled with fear? I'm so comfortable driving or flying at any time. In the snow, rain, at night, in the mountains. As long as I have a car I feel safe in-then buckle up, ROAD TRIP BABY. My job requires this of me but I believe that biggest reason I'm this way is because of my family. My grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles have all encouraged me to go explore the world. Especially my mom, she had been the biggest advocate of travel (although she thinks I travel TOO much). But she largely has herself to blame. She helped and provoked me to go on International trip when I was 21 (not to mention all the youth camps, and retreats) that sort planted the seed of travel and adventure in me. So mom- its all your fault that I love to and need to explore so much. But I am thankful for you and for encouraging me to get out and do it when I was young.

3. I'm thankful for being able to drive through the mountains, listen to good music and just take it all in. Mostly for the music. I love driving through the country and just cranking up some great music really loud and just thinking about life, love, and everything in between. It is also time to reflect, pray, worship, and where the majority of quiet time happens (well quiet before God at least).

4. I'm thankful for Starbucks and five hour energy-without them I probably wouldn't be here today writing this, but in some ditch on the side of Highway 64 or 77 from sleeping on the job. Just saying.

5. I'm thankful for my friend Angela and the sole reason I went to Charlotte. I've really only known her for a few years. We were acquaintances for years but really started to get closer in 2007ish. However, I feel like I've known her my entire life. She is one of those friends that you cant wait to see and feel like you just saw the day before at the same time. We've always picked up where we left off-never miss a beat and for that I am so thankful. We only have a few friends like that in our lifetime. I blessed that I have several. I never want to take that for granted. So to Angela-for always being there (even when I drag you to one of my silly concerts or shows) and always helping me put things in such clear perspective-I owe you big time. Name your price-apparently God thinks I'm good for it :)



Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3-Being Thankful

So here we are, day 3. I thought it would easy until day 30 but I found myself today trying to think of what I was going to write about today. Today was just an ordinary day. Work, meetings, gym, dinner. Nothing extraordinary, nothing major. Just a regular day. Which leads me to my number 1 item...

1. Ordinary Days- I really didn't realize until I started writing this but I am thankful for the simple days. Nothing broke today. No one got sick or died (in my immediate circle anyway), I successfully managed to not crash my car or computer, I even found my way around a computer issue on my own today. Yay! I'm just thankful for a simple day today.

2. My friend Nicole- I was able to talk her though some business strategies ideas today. It made me realize how far I've come in my own career and business knowledge. It always helps to bounce ideas off someone and gets your own creative juices flowing. Our friendship is complex-always has been-but at the end of the day she is always there to listen, ask for advice, or bounce ideas around with. For that I'm eternally grateful.

3. My new car- I love it. It's shiny and fun to drive. It gets me from A to Z (quickly) and I feel safe in it. Even though I had to go through a traumatic month to get there, I am thankful for it. Im thankful I had the means to get it and that I was to settle my car claim without much haggling with the insurance.

4. My sister-in-law Lindsay- I never had a sister growing up and I was close to my brother but in the big sister-i-want-to-punch-you-the-face but love you bunches kind of way. Because Lindsay stays home I can call her when I'm on the road or on the way to a client meeting. Our little conversations make my days brighter and better. She is different than me in all the right ways. She can  see things from a different perspective and talking through my relationship woes with her is like free therapy. I'm thankful for that and for her. Oh and she is the mother of my nieces and nephew so theres that too. :)

5. My Electric Toothbrush- I know it so random but I think it is hands down one of the best inventions ever. And I'm obsessed and slightly OCD about clean teeth so the electric toothbrush is the best and most effective way to accomplish that. If you don't have one then seriously consider the investment. Genius invention. Now if I could only get an electric toothbrush that flosses for me automatically too....

P.S. I will be on vacation until Sunday... I will try and blog while I'm out but in case I don't I will pick this up when I get back.... Gotta keep the project rolling. Oh and feel free to comment. Would love to see what your thankful for today!

Much love xoxo


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Be Thankful - Day 2

Day 2 of my little Project....I almost forgot about it already (not a good sign)...But alas! I am here to tell you what I'm thankful for today...

1. My brother - I have a picture of us on vacation last year below. We dont live in the same state so its hard to see him. But he is a good man. He loves hard and is faithful to his wife and family. He loves God and pulls no punches with me. I love him. I need him in my life. I wish I could see him more.

2. My health - Its been a roller coaster ride at times, physically, but today I am strong and able to work out, run longer than I have, push my body into more strenuous situations than I have before. I love the feeling after a great workout. The rush of feeling your body respond when under duress. It's exhilirating and I love it.

3. & 4. My dogs (hey there are two of them so they count for 2 items-technically) - They are little balls of love and commitment. Although they can a pain sometimes, I'm very thankful for each one of them.  Dozer is too smart for his own good and Harley isn't the sharpest tool in shed but seeing them together makes me so happy and brings me so much joy. I can't even bear the thought of losing either one of them.

5. My Great Grandma Ruth - I got a special treat over Christmas this year. My Great grandma had been sick with the flu so she couldn't join us for Christmas Dinner. I waited a few days and surprised her at her nursing home. She wasnt in her room so I started wandering around and found her in "activity hour" Apparently she is the social butterfly of the home and attends all activity hours, game nights, and excursions that this home does... doesn't sound like me at all.... Anyways, she is an amazing woman. So supportive and proud of me. I can just feel her love radiating out of her when I'm with her. She always has my back and listens to me tell her about my love life  (or lack there of) and then always a little nugget of advice (which is so simple and profound at the same time). She is the kind of woman I want to be. Simple, strong, and smart. Faithful and loving to her family and loved back emmensely.

God Bless! XOXO

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Thanksgiving Project- Day One

So, I was sitting in church yesterday and a thought hit me. I'm do not stop and give thanks to God enough. It's easy to give thanks and praise when things are going really well. Like I close a big deal at work-"Praise God"..."thank you Lord". But when the latest loser in my pitful love life disappoints me, I dont turn to God and praise Him. I waller in my self pity and disappointment. Which brings me to "The Thanksgiving Project". I don't have all the rules of this project hammered out just yet but I'm thinking of starting this as a 30 day commitment. I will list 5 items a day that I am thankful for. If I'm able to stay on my commitment then I may extend the project somehow. If you feel so obliged, feel free to track my progress and leave comments or join on my project and start counting your blessings. Let's see what God can do when we stop to praise Him daily-even for the little things.

Day One 1/17/2010

Today I'm thankful for:
1. My Mom-she's a wonderful example of a Godly mother and wife. Although we do not always see eye to eye. I know she loves me. I know that she would always be there for me and she loves my dogs like they are her own (hey-dont knock the dog comment...its hard to find someone who will take my dogs last minute for weeks at a time).
2. My house-its warm and comfortable. I love the colors and decorations and what it has become of the last few years. I love that my friends can come over anytime and feel comfortable there too.
3. My Job-Although I get frustated its a great job and a great company. I tend to take it for granted at times and I want to stop that. Many many people are searching for jobs right now and I have a wonderful Boss and Executive leadership team who supports me and wants me to be successful.
4. My friend Amy-I know that she will always be there for me no matter what-and never passes judgement. She loves hard and as a result she doesnt love herself like she should and deserves. I'm thankful that God has placed me in her life and her in mine so we can learn to lean on God together.
5. My friend Jenny-She's the best example of a lifelong friend. Who will always have my back and put me in my place when I need it. She makes me believe that I deserve the best and reminds me to not settle. I cherish that about her and need her in my life because of that.

God Bless!