Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3-Being Thankful

So here we are, day 3. I thought it would easy until day 30 but I found myself today trying to think of what I was going to write about today. Today was just an ordinary day. Work, meetings, gym, dinner. Nothing extraordinary, nothing major. Just a regular day. Which leads me to my number 1 item...

1. Ordinary Days- I really didn't realize until I started writing this but I am thankful for the simple days. Nothing broke today. No one got sick or died (in my immediate circle anyway), I successfully managed to not crash my car or computer, I even found my way around a computer issue on my own today. Yay! I'm just thankful for a simple day today.

2. My friend Nicole- I was able to talk her though some business strategies ideas today. It made me realize how far I've come in my own career and business knowledge. It always helps to bounce ideas off someone and gets your own creative juices flowing. Our friendship is complex-always has been-but at the end of the day she is always there to listen, ask for advice, or bounce ideas around with. For that I'm eternally grateful.

3. My new car- I love it. It's shiny and fun to drive. It gets me from A to Z (quickly) and I feel safe in it. Even though I had to go through a traumatic month to get there, I am thankful for it. Im thankful I had the means to get it and that I was to settle my car claim without much haggling with the insurance.

4. My sister-in-law Lindsay- I never had a sister growing up and I was close to my brother but in the big sister-i-want-to-punch-you-the-face but love you bunches kind of way. Because Lindsay stays home I can call her when I'm on the road or on the way to a client meeting. Our little conversations make my days brighter and better. She is different than me in all the right ways. She can  see things from a different perspective and talking through my relationship woes with her is like free therapy. I'm thankful for that and for her. Oh and she is the mother of my nieces and nephew so theres that too. :)

5. My Electric Toothbrush- I know it so random but I think it is hands down one of the best inventions ever. And I'm obsessed and slightly OCD about clean teeth so the electric toothbrush is the best and most effective way to accomplish that. If you don't have one then seriously consider the investment. Genius invention. Now if I could only get an electric toothbrush that flosses for me automatically too....

P.S. I will be on vacation until Sunday... I will try and blog while I'm out but in case I don't I will pick this up when I get back.... Gotta keep the project rolling. Oh and feel free to comment. Would love to see what your thankful for today!

Much love xoxo


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