Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 4-Life Lessons & Why I think that we should be able to put them on lay-a-way....

Sooo I was going to dedicate my next blog to being thankful for freedom. Then I got a speeding ticket on my way to Charlotte. Not just any old speeding ticket mind you. Like-highway-robbery-Mayberry P.D. type of speeding ticket. Totally ridiculous.  (My Cop was the one on the left)

Did you know that anything over 80 MPH in the state of Virginia is considered "reckless driving"?? RECKLESS DRIVING? It is a 6 point violation......Seriously? Seriously? How much is this going to cost me? Anyways, it totally threw a wrench in my plans. I was derailed for a few days. Defeated. Now my little get-a-way trip to relax just turned into a very expensive life lesson.....again. Haven't I already had enough of those lately?? I mean seriously, shouldn't God put some type of monetary cap on these lessons? Or at least spread them out over a few months. Needless to say, I didn't really feel like being thankful and trying to find something I was thankful for while I was blinded by my wrath and anger.

I know I have no one to blame but myself. I sped, it was just me and the gas pedal. No one forcing me to do it. But it WAS in the Mountains, a clear sunny day, and no traffic. What else is a girl in a new BMW supposed to do but open it up a little? Ya know? But being honest, I am thankful that he didn't clock me at 90-95 which is what I had been driving-SO THERE'S SOMETHING I CAN BE THANKFUL FOR.

Then I kept the thanksgiving thoughts going....

1. I'm thankful that I can get in my car and drive where ever I want, whenever I want. No one or no law to stop me. I'm free to drive from California and back (within the speed limit of course) whenever I want and even pop a tent down if I feel like and camp out if I so choose.

2. I'm thankful that I'm strong enough a person to get in the car (or plane) and travel. I hear stories of people who are petrified to drive on the highways, or at night, or in the snow-especially woman, and especially alone. This horrifies me. What happened to those people to be so riddled with fear? I'm so comfortable driving or flying at any time. In the snow, rain, at night, in the mountains. As long as I have a car I feel safe in-then buckle up, ROAD TRIP BABY. My job requires this of me but I believe that biggest reason I'm this way is because of my family. My grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles have all encouraged me to go explore the world. Especially my mom, she had been the biggest advocate of travel (although she thinks I travel TOO much). But she largely has herself to blame. She helped and provoked me to go on International trip when I was 21 (not to mention all the youth camps, and retreats) that sort planted the seed of travel and adventure in me. So mom- its all your fault that I love to and need to explore so much. But I am thankful for you and for encouraging me to get out and do it when I was young.

3. I'm thankful for being able to drive through the mountains, listen to good music and just take it all in. Mostly for the music. I love driving through the country and just cranking up some great music really loud and just thinking about life, love, and everything in between. It is also time to reflect, pray, worship, and where the majority of quiet time happens (well quiet before God at least).

4. I'm thankful for Starbucks and five hour energy-without them I probably wouldn't be here today writing this, but in some ditch on the side of Highway 64 or 77 from sleeping on the job. Just saying.

5. I'm thankful for my friend Angela and the sole reason I went to Charlotte. I've really only known her for a few years. We were acquaintances for years but really started to get closer in 2007ish. However, I feel like I've known her my entire life. She is one of those friends that you cant wait to see and feel like you just saw the day before at the same time. We've always picked up where we left off-never miss a beat and for that I am so thankful. We only have a few friends like that in our lifetime. I blessed that I have several. I never want to take that for granted. So to Angela-for always being there (even when I drag you to one of my silly concerts or shows) and always helping me put things in such clear perspective-I owe you big time. Name your price-apparently God thinks I'm good for it :)



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